Do you carry cash with you? If you do, you’re one of the few because most of the modern world uses credit cards because they’re just so simple. The problem is, sometimes, they get stolen or compromised and when that happens, you risk a huge financial loss. Now’s the time you’ll think about your password or PIN number and decide you’re safe enough. And there’s no arguing that those are all efficient forms of protection, but really, you should be doing everything in your power to protect your financial info.
As it turns out, a customized credit card is one of the ways to do that. The main reason people customize their cards is to make them look cool, but along with looking great, a customized credit card will make it harder for someone to get a hold of your information. These designs do more than just catch the eye, and in this article, we’ll show you why you need a customized credit card.
Why Custom Designs Are More Than Just a Cool Look
Custom credit cards are really popular these days, and that’s great because that means more and more people are making their financial information safer, whether they’re aware of it or not. For most, customizing a credit card is just a way to make the cards reflect their personality, but credit card skins go way beyond just aesthetics.
With a busy design, it’s a lot harder for someone else to focus on the numbers on the card. Say you’re trying to steal someone’s information; you won’t get a lot of time to do so, unless you actually steal the card itself. But experienced thieves won’t bother with that; they’ll just glance at a card and get as much information as possible.
Sometimes, they get all of it. Now, imagine you stumble upon a card with a busy pattern on it. Will a quick glance be enough to get all the numbers? Hardly. Not only is there less contrast between the numbers and the background, but the design makes it harder to focus.
A complex design is especially useful at point-of-sale terminals, where your financial security can easily be in danger. All it takes is a quick look or a camera that goes under the radar and someone else has all your information.
Features to Look for in Custom Skins
A high-quality skin won’t just look good, it’ll also protect your card and your information. Here’s what to look for if you’re thinking of customizing your credit card(s).
Durable Materials
The material is what determines how effective the skin is, so of course, you want something durable. The best choice is something non-reflective, with a non-slip finish. This will minimize glare and over time, your card won’t get as scuffed up from use.
This is key. You can choose from a couple of different options, starting with the full-skin design. They cover most of the card’s surface, but you can still see all your information when you need to. Then you have the partial-skin design, which isn’t as comprehensive as the full one, but it still covers parts of your card and makes its design busier than it would normally be.
You can get number overlays and pre-designed templates to strike a balance between security and style.
Adhesion Resistant to Tampering
Strong adhesive is a must if you expect the skin to be reliable.
With tamper-resistant adhesive, the skin will stay put and nobody will be able to just easily remove it or alter it. Along with good adhesive, you also want a skin that can be removed without leaving residue on your card. This way, you can replace it without having to handle the sticky mess the skin leaves, plus you don’t need to worry about there being any damage to the card.
Security should always be your priority, but if you’re getting a ‘skin’ for your card, you might as well make it look nice. A creative pattern will make it stand out, so it will be easier to find it amongst your other cards, and it will be a visual deterrent to thieves.
If someone is able to use your credit card, then they have complete access to your financial life, which is scary to just think about. Of course, there are measures in place that prevent that from happening, but as we all know, nothing in this world is 100% safe and accidents happen more often than you think.
Waking up and seeing your bank account empty would be catastrophic, so try to protect your credit cards in every way you can. A credit card skin is one of them and it may not be the most important, but it’s definitely the most fun.