Just about everyone has some type of checking account these days. Virtually nobody uses cash anymore, so it’s time for the banking industry to adapt to your needs. While those needs may be different for everyone, there are a few benefits that should be standard on checking accounts these days.
Unfortunately, some banks are slower to adapt to the 21st century than others. So when it’s time to open a checking account near me, you want to find one that is not only up to speed but offers the personal benefits that should be standard on almost every account.
Here’s what to look for when you open a checking account near me.
Digital Banking
Like we said, it’s the 21st-century thing. Digital banking should be standard with every account because who doesn’t use the internet these days? Most people do, and when it’s time to open a checking account near me, everyone should have access to digital banking – for free.
You may want to log on and check your daily balance, make mobile deposits, or balance your budget on a Tuesday night. Either way, you should be able to securely access your account via digital banking.
Fee-Free ATMs
Shopping to open a checking account near me means you want to find a bank that offers fee-free ATMs nationwide. Try over 40 000 of them. Who knows when you’ll need one, but chances are, you will find one at some point. An ATM is a convenience, and it’s your money anyway. You shouldn’t be charged an arm and a leg for using that convenience to access your own money.
Available Overdraft Sweep or No NSF Fees
Most people are pretty good about not over-drafting their accounts, but it happens. When you open a checking account near me, it’s important that you’re able to set up overdraft protection or choose an account that doesn’t charge NSF fees. Yeah, it’s kind of unheard of. There are real accounts that don’t charge those fees.
An overdraft sweep is when you have a savings account linked to your checking account. When there is a potential overdraft, the bank automatically moves money in specific increments from your savings account to cover the potential overdraft. All banks should offer that.
Low to No Monthly Service Charges
When you open a checking account near me, you want to ensure that there are low to no monthly service charges. Yes, there are still checking accounts with no service charges. However, if that’s not the account for you, then you should be able to avoid a potential service charge with a minimum average daily balance or monthly total direct deposit. Whether you have a higher minimum daily balance or direct deposits totaling a certain amount is up to you, but you should be able to avoid those monthly service fees.
Optional Paper or E-Statement
Every checking account should come with optional paper or e-statements. Everyone is different, and you should have options to suit your lifestyle. If you do everything digitally, then you don’t need a bunch of paper sitting around with your banking information on it. If you’re more of a paper statement kind of person, that’s okay, too. When you open a checking account near me, you should have the choice, and it shouldn’t cost any extra.
Many Other Benefits
Finding the checking account to suit you best means finding accounts with many other optional benefits. When you open a checking account near me, you should have the option of additional benefits. Depending on the account you choose, you may get free checks, have free unlimited check writing benefits, earn interest on your account or cash back rewards, or even get a discount on a safety deposit box.
The type of checking account you choose should suit your lifestyle, and it should offer benefits to suit you. Everyone has a different approach to money, and when you open a checking account near me, that is no exception.
Open a Checking Account Near Me
When you open a checking account near me, it’s important to find standard options that should be offered on all accounts. If the bank doesn’t extend this common courtesy, then you may want to keep shopping. A checking account is supposed to make life easier, and your bank should offer account features as unique as well. When you open a checking account near me, you shouldn’t be charged every time you access your money, and with the right account, you won’t be.